Sunday 17 May 2009


I am not averse to reality TV, and lately my favourite is the Australian version of Masterchef. Last week, to avoid elimination... 3 of the finalist who performed the worst in the rabbit challenge, had the last opportunity to redeem themselves by preparing a tarte tatin. So obviously last week I was itching to bake one myself, but I haven't been feeling 100% fit so let's just say that I've been lazy.

In the end, the girl with a slight penchant for molecular gastronomy got eliminated, sparing Aaron another molecular gastronomy fan the cut. The last of the 3, is perhaps one of my favourite in the show... not that I think she will win it, but Julie is an IT consultant, working mum of 3 who cooks out of love. She said that cooking is for her a way to show and share her love with other people, and how she would like the opportunity to share it with even more people outside her friends and family, that's endearing I think... and definitely resonates with my fondness for food preparation. Because beside the thrill that I get when I test out a new recipe, more often than anything I am a domestic kitchen slave out of love. And nowadays more and more I prefer to eat food that I know had been prepared with some care too. I'm sure the people at Smiths chips are very caring people...

note :
1. I finally rolled up my sleeves yesterday and made some chaussons aux pommes out of the pâte feuilletée I made the other day. To my delight, they were rather wonderful. Blog to follow.
2. My mum is here for a visit! my dad to come a bit later! plus I'm moving hopefully before my birthday. Excuse my untimely blogs between now till end of june.


  1. ps. i didn't take this photo by the way... found it on weheartit

  2. Loving Masterchef. We've attempted a couple of things including a pear tarte tartin. It was, well, just okay. We're going to have another go today. We've also had more success with the stuffed squid and the poached eggs in tomato tea. Both yummy. Details on Michelle's blog ( yes Michelle has decided to make her blog posts public. She's been writing stuff up for a year but most it is still private for the time being.

  3. Ooh, and we made Georges olive oil chocolate mousse. Um... meh.

  4. Hi Shane,

    I also saw your post of that poached egg tomato salad concoction you/Michelle made... Michelle should try out for Masterchef next year ! :)

  5. Mel, gua selalu kelaparan baca blog elu ini .. udah potonya bagus tulisannya bikin gua ngebayangin yummy banget deh !!! Mel met pindahan yah, terus salam sama nyokap bokap. Take care!

  6. Hi Pat!! :)

    Wah thank you thank you! oya lu doain ya Pat, gua ada rencana mau ke negeri londo october ini, moga2 kesampaian!
