Thursday 28 May 2009

No time for banter

Oh my gosh!! I haven't done my daring bakers challenge as yet! I completely mixed the date up with the daring cook challenge! Aargh!! I'll try to do it tonight but OHHH I'm so annoyed at myself now! Should've spent my time more productively than tumblring which is my newest internet discovery.

So due to the long recipe, allow me to cut my gib even shorter this time by omitting the recipe for the pâte feuilletée. That by the way is one of my proudest baking moment this year. It unfolded rather perfectly and each layer was nice and flaky. I made some chaussons aux pommes and some cheese sticks, and here is a photo and the recipe for the cap...

Chaussons aux pommes
(from larousse des desserts)

500 gr puff pastry

5 apples (reinettes)
1 lemon
150 gr sugar
20 gr crème fraîche
30 gr butter
1 egg

Juice the lemon, peel the apples and cut into little cubes and mix straight away into the lemon juice so that it doesn't brown. Strain and mix well with sugar and the crème fraiche. Cut the butter into little pieces.

Preheat the oven to 250°C.

Prepare the puff pastry, roll out to 3mm thickness and cut into 10-12 circles of 12cm diameter. Whisk the egg lightly. Place enough apples and a bit of butter on one side of the disks and brush the sides with egg. Fold to close and brush top with egg. Leave to dry a little and score with knife tip careful as to not pierce the pastry.

Bake for 10 minutes at 250°C then lower to 200°C for 25-25 minutes. Serve warm.

Pas mal, hein?

1 comment:

  1. these look so delicious.
    haha and i waste too much time tumblr-ing too. :)
